Happy Mother’s Day – Chrys Howard
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Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day

While we can read books and learn from our mothers, a new baby is like a new set of cards–slippery, hard to manage, and can quickly get out of order. But, we soon learn how to do life with a baby. Then a toddler. Then a kid. Then a teen. Mother’s Day is to say thank you for sleeping in a twin bed next to a sick baby and for giving up your plans because your child forgot he was supposed to bring cookies to school and for volunteering to coach, chaperone and chauffeur. There have been calculations on the amount of money a Mom should make, but everyone knows it’s not a paying job. It’s a labor of love, as my mom always says. Moms, keep up the great work! Know your children will grow up to reflect what you instill in them. They won’t be perfect, but neither are we. We’re all just moms doing the best we can do and at the end of the day, we let God help us out a lot! Happy Mother’s Day to my amazing mom and to each of YOU! Hugs, 2-mama

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