Can God Use You and Me? – Chrys Howard
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Can God Use You and Me?

Can God Use You and Me?

Can you explain why God chose a few fishermen, a tax collector, a pessimist, a doubter, one with a quick temper, another who was impatient, one chosen last and some barely mentioned?

No idea?

Okay, here’s another question: Can you find yourself in that list of characteristics?

If you do, that’s the answer. Still confused? Here you go. God chose twelve men who are just like you and me. Twelve men who had ordinary jobs and everyday personalities. Wow, God! I continue to be amazed at your plan.

Thank you, God, for choosing men and women throughout the Bible who look and act like we do. Who struggle and make mistakes. Who doubt and worry and forget. Who speak up when they shouldn’t. People who are quiet, mild mannered, not-going-to shake-things up people and noisy, rude, stand-on-a-soapbox people.

God, in His brilliance, chose people just like you and me so we could see ourselves and know He can use us too. It never was and never will be a “only the finest, fittest, funniest or most financially blessed” need apply. God has always looked at the heart of man, not the outside appearance. We’re told this in 1 Samuel 16:7, “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. A man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” How different our lives might look if the Bible was full of smart, beautiful, wealthy, super-talented men and women called from their powerful lives to serve God.

But here’s the deal. He didn’t do that. He scoured the earth, looking deeply into the hearts of mankind, and chose those who would follow Jesus. He plunked people right out of where they were and put them where He needed them to be and said, “Go and follow Jesus.”

And an amazing thing happened. The longer those twelve followers of Jesus followed Jesus, the more they began to look like Him and less like who they were. Consequently, they went from ordinary, everyday folks to extraordinary men who changed the world.Men whose names are spoken 2000 years later!

What are we to do with this information? Well, it’s the same for us. If we follow Jesus, imitate Him, study His words and ways and wisdoms, WE will look more like Him too. God didn’t choose great men, He created men who did great things by allowing them to walk with Jesus.

That’s some pretty good news!

Hugs, Chrys

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