Endings and Beginnings
Monday Hug: This weekend was a weekend of endings. We celebrated the end of high school for three of our family members; we witnessed a loss that ended a high school baseball career for eleven hardworking seniors; we watched as candles were blown out marking the end of eleven years of life for the birthday boy; and we attended the funeral of a loving husband and father. Life is a series of endings, isn’t it? We leave what we know to begin what we hope will be better. The grad…uates hope for a fun and challenging college experience. The ball players hope to start over with new teammates and the possible win of other championship games. The birthday boy hopes for happy and fun days as a newly turned twelve year old. But, the man whose funeral we attended, he is the only one with a guaranteed better future. Life is both sturdy and fragile; both annoying and fun; both happy and sad. Life is many things. But, in the end, a life without Jesus has no hope of a new beginning while a life with Jesus has the BEST beginning EVER. Choose life with Jesus and you will always live with “the best is yet to come” as your life motto. Hugs, 2-mama