It’s Beach Time!
This is the week our family goes to the beach. We have three houses and 61 people total. Some of our kids bring a friend, but for the most part, we’re all related in some way. Relationships take work and time and sacrifice, but then there’s hugs and laughter and companionship. That makes it worth it. But, our most valuable relationship is with God. There are some similarities in our earthly relationships and our God-relationship, but here’s a huge difference. Very few earthly relationships can work with one side doing all the work. But with God, He did the hard work, spent the time, and made the sacrifice needed to insure our hope of eternal life. Sometimes we think we have to give God some sort of payment, but we don’t. We just have to love others and Him. That’s all He asks. No relationship on earth, not even the best, can compare to what God offers us. He’s done the work, we get the reward. Have a blessed week. Hugs, 2-mama