December 7, 2024
See Him First
A few years ago I took the littles to see Santa. At three, John Shepherd was old enough to understand Santa. Before our turn, I sat with him and we “talked” about who Santa is, what he looks like and what he does. I explained that he has a beard like Dubs (Willie), that he represents Christmas and giving, and that he could tell him what he would like to get for Christmas. When his turn came up, John Shep was prepared. He walked right up to Santa, jumped in his lap and said, “Dinosaurs.” He understood the assignment, as the young folks say.
Please know that I will have more “talks” about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to my little people than I will about Santa. I am dedicated to ensuring they understand the assignment given to them to love the Lord their God with all their heart and to love and serve others. I want my children, grands, and greats to know God loves them unconditionally, Jesus came to earth, died, rose up to Heaven and is coming back for them. I want them to know the Holy Spirit lives in them to help navigate this life. What a glorious assignment!!
May God bless you this holiday season. See and seek Him first and Santa and anything else second. Love you all! Hugs, Chrys