We are His workmanship
When my girls were little, I spent hours at the sewing machine. (My son is yelling out an AMEN about now. Poor guy!) How I loved taking a piece of fabric and some ribbon and lace and creating something unique and special. When the granddaughters came along, more dresses were made. But, soon all my little’s outgrew my smocked creations and they were carefully stored away. BUT, with some new grand-nieces, my dresses are needed again. So, recently I washed, starched, and ironed a few of my little beauties. I seriously love them. I guess it’s because I’m invested in them. I made them. I picked out the color, the fabric, the ribbon, the lace. Then, I shaped it all together. Oh, how God must love us–His creation. I don’t know if He goes to a heavenly store filled with eyes and hair and personalities. Probably not. But He personally and carefully chose every detail about YOU. He is invested in YOU. Eph. 2:10 says “For we are His workmanship…”And, trust me, if He made you, He loves you. Have a great week. Know that you are loved. Hugs, 2-mama