Monday Hug: This past weekend I witnessed the final breaths of a dear friend–a man of God who lived the up and downs that go with anyone’s life journey. Then, driving home, I listened to Christine Caine’s speech given to 55,000 young people at the Passion conference. Her word for them was ENDURANCE: The ability to continue, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions. ‘To continue’ is what we all have to strive for, work at, determine to do, set our mind on and, quite simply, DO. There are few shortcuts in life. Our friend, Gary, didn’t look for shortcuts. In fact, up until his final days, he worked though his body ached; he sang though his voice was nearly silenced; he hugged though his arms barely moved. When the road was more bumpy than smooth, he continued to look for ways to please his Heavenly Father. Today you might be in a rough patch, wondering if you will make it to the smooth road again. Take heart. We’ve been given this promise:
“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12 ESV
Have an awesome week. Keep on keeping on. Hugs, 2 mama