February 22, 2017
He Remains Faithful
Monday Hug: At my age If I don’t have my light up makeup mirror I’m likely to wear lip liner on my eyebrows! A week ago the light went out. I thought it was broken. (I know, it was a blonde moment.) Anyway, I told 2 papa I needed to throw that mirror away and get a new one. He calmly said, no, you need a new bulb. (Duh!) So, he went to the store and bought a bulb and I’m back in business. In church Sunday, we talked about the ups and down of Peter in the Bible. One minute he was denying knowing Jesus and the next he was preaching and teaching and saving souls. Wow!! What a guy! In our humanness, we might have thought Peter was broken and ready for the trash heap, but then Jesus, like the light of the world He is, lovingly rebuilt him and Peter continued to shine. Don’t ever think God can’t make you shine! He never, ever, looks at you and thinks “trash heap.” He always looks at you and thinks, “redeemed, loved, adopted and ready to shine.” “If we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself” (2 Tim. 2:13). Have a great week! Hugs, 2 mama (artwork creds to @macyjaemoore)