The Stuff that Matters
We went to Winter Jam in Nashville to see Sadie and because it was in Nashville, there were several surprise guests. One of them was the younger sister of Johnny Cash, Joanne Cash. What an awesome performance we saw as this talented lady belted out a song with David Crowder. Seeing her reminded me of a quote I read several years ago from June Carter Cash, the wife of Johnny Cash. She said, “I’m just trying to matter.” With all the money and fame J.C. Cash acquired, still all she wanted was to matter. To her children. Her husband. Her world. Her God. I’m sure you have days where you wonder if anything you do matters to anyone. Do your children notice that you’ve cleaned their toilet for the gazillionth time? Does your boss notice when you come to work even though you don’t feel well? Does your husband notice that you cook and clean and wash clothes? Know this: everything you do matters. Gal. 6:9: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Thank you for doing the hard stuff. The stuff that matters. Have a great week. Hugs, 2-mama