Wait. In today’s world this word seems like a four letter word. What? I know, four letter words are words that are offensive in some way. But, don’t we treat “wait” as if we’re offended. We order food at a drive thru window and are told to pull up and WAIT. “Whatever happened to fast food?” we grumble. We go to the doctor and are told to please wait in the the lobby. “What! Don’t they know I’m sick!” I get it. Waiting isn’t easy for me either. Here’s where it really matters. Do you find yourself “rushing” as you “wait” on God–scurrying around, trying to make God-things happen instead of waiting on His wisdom, His timing, His perfect plan. The next time you feel the need to rush while waiting for God, repeat this verse 3 times, “In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” Psalm 5:3 Waiting on God will always be worth it. His timing is perfect. Have a great week! Hugs, 2-mama (pic because I’m patiently waiting to see this cutie again)