August 7, 2024
We know what our future holds
I recently attended a funeral of a sweet lady from our church. She was being honored and remembered for a long, meaningful life. She left behind a beautiful family legacy. Even though she was nearly 90 and lived a good life, there were tears, as her presence will be missed.
Even a life lived to 90 seems too short to those left behind. But what God promises for believers is eternal life. Our finite minds can barely comprehend this phenomenon, but it’s true. Someone once said, “Live every day as if it’s your last day; plan every day like you’ll live forever.” I don’t know if that person knows God and His eternal plan for us, but I believe its intent was to challenge people to have fun in the moment but plan for the future by getting a good job, putting away money,
eating right, etc. All good things. But, as believers, we know what our future holds and it’s an eternity in the arms of Jesus. Have a great week.
Hugs, Chrys